Image of Investment in Pentacom Investments, an optical fiber business in Spain

Investment in Pentacom Investments, an optical fiber business in Spain

Investment Date: May 21, 2020

Transfer of Ownership: March 2024

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This is an investment in the steadily growing European telecom sector. We participate in this project in collaboration with Macquarie and Aberdeen Standard Investments. Having taken this first step, we will continue to consider expanding investment in the telecommunications field.

Attractiveness of the Target Company

Pentacom provides fiber-optic cables for internet service providers in 5 major cities in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville and Malaga). The total length of the optical fiber cables is approximately 192,500 km, and the cables provide services for 34% of the households in the area. Through providing telecom infrastructure that brings high-quality, affordable internet connection to homes and offices, Pentacom aims for further growth.

Industry Perspectives and Future Actions

The telecom sector is expected to keep growing with new technologies, such as the 5G connections. In addition to the optical fiber cable networks, we will proactively investigate the potentials in the related fields.

Posted on March 31, 2020