Image of Investment in grid-scale BESS in Sapporo City, Hokkaido

Investment in grid-scale BESS in Sapporo City, Hokkaido

Investment Date: November 24, 2022

Scheduled Commercial Operation Start: 2025

We have invested in DAX LLC in collaboration with Fuyo General Lease and ASTMAX. This project involves installing grid-scale BESS with a rated output of 50 MW and a rated capacity of 100 MWh. Construction is scheduled to begin in 2023, with operations scheduled to begin in 2025. Transactions will be conducted in the wholesale power markets, supply and demand adjustment markets, and capacity markets based on AI forecasts once operations have begun.

Investment Highlights

The demand for renewable energy keeps increasing as the global trend toward zero carbon emission continues. We aim to contribute to achieving carbon neutrality in Japan by 2050 through the development and operation of large, grid-scale BESS, which help mitigate the variability of renewable energy power sources.

Future Actions

We will further invest in grid-scale BESS, starting with this project. Our aim aligns with the Daiwa Securities Group's initiatives "2030Vision" and our goal to promote the transition to a carbon-neutral, resilient society.

Posted on May 16, 2024