Image of Contribution of assets under management to a privately placed core fund that specializes in investment in brownfield solar power projects
Kurihara city, Miyagi

Contribution of assets under management to a privately placed core fund that specializes in investment in brownfield solar power projects

We contribute our solar power projects as assets under management to the privately placed core fund that specializes in investment in brownfield solar power projects formed by Daiwa Real Estate Asset Management Co. Ltd. By incorporating external capital through use of funds, we promote capital recycling and aim to create circulation of capital that leads to further expansion of investment while improving capital efficiency.


By incorporating external capital through funds in our portfolio and by contributing our solar power projects as assets under management to the privately placed solar power core fund*, we promote capital recycling and aim to meet the growing investment needs in the renewable energy sectors. We also aim to further increase our involvement in the renewable energy and infrastructure sectors and enhance our presence there by creating circulation of capital that leads to further expansion of investment while improving capital efficiency.

*A core fund is a fund managed mainly for the purpose of obtaining stable income.

Future Actions

We will establish a capital recycling model by incorporating external capital through funds in our portfolio. With an aim to provide new values to the renewable energy, infrastructure and natural resources sectors and contribute to SDGs through investment and financing, we will continue to actively invest in and finance these sectors by creating circulation of capital that leads to further expansion of investment while improving capital efficiency.

Posted on September 3, 2021