Image of Joint investment in Aurora Infrastructure, an electricity network company in Finland

Joint investment in Aurora Infrastructure, an electricity network company in Finland

Investment Date: May 11, 2023

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We have acquired a stake in Aurora Infrastructure through a joint investment with Equitix. Aurora is a Finnish company that provides electricity network solutions where reliability is crucial to customer operations. It currently operates at two industrial sites: Kilpilahti industrial area near Porvoo, where they own the AKO network; and Tornio, where they serve a stainless steel manufacturing facility with their ATO network.

Investment Highlights

Aurora is expected to make constant and stable profit, benefiting from regulations and the natural monopolistic nature of their business model. Aurora will continue to provide reliable network services to its customers and aims to develop and expand its business at the sites and to other regions. This acquisition is built on our partnership with Equitix, which has been cultivated through several transactions including Hornsea One offshore wind.

Future Actions

Utilizing our knowledge in the power distribution business we have accumulated through our investment in Electricity North West as well as our partnership with Equitix, we will support the sustainable development and further expansion of Aurora's business.

Posted on May 15, 2023