Image 1 of Japan Energy Fund to expedite overseas investment through LP investment

Japan Energy Fund to expedite overseas investment through LP investment

Investment Date: December 6, 2019

  • Image 3 of Japan Energy Fund to expedite overseas investment through LP investment

Japan Energy Fund (JEF), an overseas-specialized decarbonized energy fund, was established by Enechange and Looop, two venture firms in the energy fields recognized as fast-growing and innovative. We invested in the fund as a limited partner. JEF aims to realize a sustainable society through "promoting overseas investment in decarbonized energy by Japanese companies." There are two main axes in the fund's initiative: "JEF Renewables" and "JEF Ventures." The former invests in renewable energy businesses in emerging countries. The latter invests in energy-based start-ups in European and North American countries, where technology and energy markets are more advanced, and aim to support those growing firms expand in Japanese market and market their technologies worldwide.

Image 2 of Japan Energy Fund to expedite overseas investment through LP investment

Investment Highlights

The investment areas of both "JEF Renewables" and "JEF Ventures" have growth potentials yet are difficult for us to invest directly on our own. We aim for a "middle-risk, middle-return" investment by participating in the fund as an LP investor. Our purpose of this initiative is not merely to achieve financial returns but is also to obtain leveraged know-how, information and networks that will lead to future investment opportunities

Future Actions

As an LP investor, we will provide various support necessary to scale the fund. While Enechange provides a platform for energy data analysis and Looop provides technical knowledge and detailed examinations of power plant projects, we will be providing financial knowledge based on investment experiences in the domestic and overseas markets.

Posted on December 6, 2019